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Commercial Transactions & Companies

Criminal law enforcement, organisation of courts, corporate criminal liability, statutes of limitations, initiation of investigations, procedures of gathering information

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Expert Lawyers for your Defence

Commercial Transactions & Companies

[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”20px”][vc_column_text]Ahmed Al Maazmi Advocates and Legal Consultants pays great attention to the civil and commercial cases, particularly the complex ones. In addition to the legal representation before courts, our Team provide many other services, including:


  • In addition to the negotiations and formulation of all forms of agreements covering the purely commercial operations; the commercial section is often required to express legal opinion and provide advice about some branches of law related to the company’s or facility’s activity. The company services department will provide clients with extensive experience in the field of systems related to legal persons; such services include but are not limited to:


  • Provide advice about the selection of the best legal models of the type of company and according to the activity and capital and the desire of the partners. The Office also provides services regarding the establishment of civil or commercial companies, joint ventures, corporate mergers and liquidation, both individually and in local or foreign companies, as well as providing legal advice on foreign investment agreements, commercial agencies and international trade.


  • Registration procedures for all types of companies, whether they are national or sharing with foreign capital or pure foreign capital.
  • Registration of companies in the Ministry of Economy and Trade and the establishment of securities and listings in local and international capital markets.

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Do you need legal help or Consultance? GET FREE CONSULTATION TODAY.

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