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Personal Status and Family Law

Criminal law enforcement, organisation of courts, corporate criminal liability, statutes of limitations, initiation of investigations, procedures of gathering information

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Expert Lawyers for your Defence

Family Law / Personal Status

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As a country with a diverse population, UAE has a complex society. It also means the family law in UAE is sophisticated and protects all of the country’s citizens from problems that may arise within a family and put an individual’s rights under threat. As a respected firm known for family law advisory in UAE, every member of our team upholds the individual rights of the populace and delivers professional services of high standard to protect these rights of our clients and their families.


For those clients looking for divorce lawyers in UAE, we provide comprehensive legal advice and supervision of the legal proceedings. Our legal teams, trained specifically on divorces and separation cases, provide efficient and cost-effective services to protect the interests of each client in a divorce case in UAE.


Among the areas of our work is also the specialization in all matters of personal status for Muslims and non-Muslims, such as divorce, alimony, custody, inheritance, wills, donations and other matters related to personal status and family law. We work differently in such matters as this professional aspect is of utmost importance to us, which is the relentless pursuit of family reunification and ending all disputes between the same family by friendly methods, especially issues of divorce and custody of children and inheritances, in order to ensure the bonding of the family entity so that family life is straightened and children are raised in a normal and favorable environment because they are the pillar of civilization and the advancement of society and we are proud that we have lawyers and counsels who can handle these cases with high efficiency. The source of this competence is the accumulated experiences over the years.


Our family lawyers in Dubai, UAE, are trained to do more than provide professional legal advice. Our goal is to provide our clients efficient services in their times of emotional turbulence and support them with accelerated conclusion of the case and achieve desired results.


While we look after your interests in your family law cases in UAE, we try to alleviate your suffering and give you sound legal advice in detail so that you are aware of the proceedings every step of the way and stay in charge.


We provide comprehensive family law services in UAE and serve clients with a variety of lawsuits. Our family law division consists of a variety of professionals, including – but not limited to – the following:


  • Child custody lawyers
  • Divorce lawyers
  • Domestic abuse and violence lawyers
  • Pre-nuptial agreements lawyers
  • Mutual consent for Divorces
  • Divorce cases
  • Legal consultation

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