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Labour Law Transaction & Labour Disputes

Criminal law enforcement, organisation of courts, corporate criminal liability, statutes of limitations, initiation of investigations, procedures of gathering information

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Expert Lawyers for your Defence

Labour Law Transaction & Labour Disputes:

[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”20px”][vc_column_text]Following labor and employment law is one of the biggest challenges for business enterprises of all types and sizes in virtually all industries. In an economy like the Emirates’, where economic activities and transactions occur at a much higher rate than most other parts of the world, organizations are making bad employee related decisions, leading to legal problems when disgruntled former employees take matters to the court of law.


As a professional law firm with an experienced team of labor and employment lawyers in UAE, we take pride in helping employees get their due compensation and rights according to the country’s sophisticated labor law. Similarly, we are always ready to assist organizations that are being falsely accused of breaching employment contract or other related problems.


Our team of seasoned labor attorneys in Dubai provide clients with legal advice grounded in the intricate details of the country’s employment law and precedents set in previous judgments. With a truly diverse workforce from all over the world arriving in the country to seek employment opportunities, UAE has become a place where employment related legal conflicts exist at a high rate.

With our expertise in the field and years of experience helping clients find justice and resolution to employment related legal issues, our commitment to serve our clients is only increasing day by day. Most commonly, our labor and employment lawyers in UAE help clients find legal resolution to the following problems:


  1. Equity and human rights issues
  2. Arbitrary dismissals and wrongful termination lawsuits
  3. Employment policies compliance
  4. Termination
  5. Employment NDA and Non – Compete Agreement
  6. Employment contract writing
  7. Overdue compensation and benefits
  8. Labor Case
  9. And many more

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