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Real Estate

Criminal law enforcement, organisation of courts, corporate criminal liability, statutes of limitations, initiation of investigations, procedures of gathering information

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Expert Lawyers for your Defence

Real Estate & Ownership Disputes

[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”20px”][vc_column_text]The office includes a group of lawyers and legal counsels with full knowledge of real estate disputes and FIDIC cases, real estate arbitration cases and working to resolve all rental disputes in light of the great development in the field of real estate. With the great revolution that occurred in the real estate markets and public ownership in the United Arab Emirates; we always emphasize that the lawyers and counsels of the team are aware of the latest legislations related to rentals and other real estate activities and that the team also includes technical administrators for this purpose, which makes us trusted by many clients and investors in the real estate market as we are looking forward to leadership in this regard.


As a professional team that provides high quality real estate legal services in UAE, we have developed streamlined processes to make delivery of services faster and more convenient without compromising on quality standards. Fully compliant with applicable regulations, our practices as your real estate lawyers in UAE are always in line with the jurisprudence of the country’s real estate law.

If you are looking for real estate lawyers in Dubai who can represent you in the courtroom for all kinds of disputes and, at the same time, represent you in major realty sale or purchase deals with flawless expertise in all these domains, our team will surely not disappoint you.


The most common real estate cases in UAE that our team deals with include the following legal problems:

  • Sale/Purchase contract negotiation and validation
  • Tenant and landlord disputes
  • Tenant and landlord rental disputes
  • Rental value review for commercial and residential real assets
  • Contractor, developer and investor disputes
  • Lease renewal negotiations

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